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Monday, August 22, 2005

More updates on my uber boring life .....hang onto your seat....you ready?
Plans for the day:
Go to the car dealership to extend my warrenty with two small kids in tow.

*phew*....hard to contain all that excitement eh?

Sunday, August 21, 2005

I cannot think of anything to write . I'm much more prolific on group/chat sites. I dont tend to go off on long winded tangents, I'm more of a one paragraph/liner type of gal. This whole posting long shit about my day really is not my thing.
I guess I just need feedback.
Is it that I dont like to hear myself speak....or is it that I need an audience lol?

I've been on ebay all weekend. Im avoiding the malls because I dont trust myself not to spend a fortune buying clothes for my kids there....I tend to curb myself more on ebay.
We had a big storm on friday and my basement partially flooded. Only an inch of water but a flood is a flood. Spent part of the day today clearing it out and mopping up stuff with bleach water to try to prevent ~the dreaded black mold~ (insert menacing music here).
Saturday was "family hair cut day" at the mall. Everyone got their hair trimmed.

There ya go. You're all caught up on my uber boring life.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Ok...confession time...I like some Reality TV. I watch Survivor, Amazing Race and Big Brother....is anyone out there watching BB???? JESUS bloody hell.....!!!
Tonight was the POV and Rachel took herself off the block...that *FUCKING* skank Jen put Kaysar on it....Ya know..its not so much the fact that she told a boldfaced lie, but the fact that she thinks she is doing it with integrity is whats *COMPLETELY* eating my shorts. I have never wanted to contact someone on tv before in my life...man o man o MAN....i would *love* to get Jen alone. Im certain i could make her cry. I want to make her cry. The fucking bitch.
Im so fucking pissed. Guh.
I need a life.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I've always been a firm supporter of film photography. My husband gave me a digital camera years ago but I resisted using it. Digital sucks...blah blah blah....not as defined pics...blah blah.....indoor shots suck....blah blah.....too expensive to process...blah blahity blah....

I dropped my film camera.

Repairing it vs purchasing a new one was thoroughly investigated....and it was decided that it was too costly. I cried...couldn't help myself...i loved my camera. Then I decided to take out the digital when hubby wasn't around and give it a whirl. Oh. My. God.
I cannot believe all of the features that you have at your disposal with a digital camera. I have gone from a devout worshipper of film photography to having spent a small fortune on larger memory cards, rechargeable batteries and film processing. I've been AWOL because my favorite photo store had a deal online where you buy 100 prints and get 100 free.....so...after these very few months I was now learning GIMP and editing all my photos and processing them. How many photos does one need exactly in color, sepia *and* black and white?? *nervous laugh* I hope I will slow down soon because I have no more room for photo frames *anywhere*! lol.
I love my digital camera.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

My first post and I'm already going to complain. Get used to it.
This was a marathon weekend of kids birthday parties. It's amazing how much energy a room full of 6 year olds can suck from you. It wasn't even my kids birthday, we were the attendee's. I used to really love social gatherings when I was younger...in university where I fit in. Now I am starting to find them incredibly tiresome in my old age (ha). I usually make a point of "helping out" with the women in the kitchen etc. Not because I enjoy working but because it's a hell of a lot easier to do that and keep busy than to sit there and try to make idle chit-chat with other women that you don't really know. The only thing I have in common with these people are that my kids are the same age and happen to go to the same school. Period.
I did get sucked into a conversation with one of the other attendee moms at one point.
When I was in highschool my M.O. was to just keep my mouth shut. I didn't fit in and it was just easier to be non-existant rather than be irritating. In university I discovered my voice and confidence and made tons of like minded friends....or at least I think i did. I had a freedom that I dont have now. I felt likeI could say what I wanted, be how I wanted and the devil be damned. Now, I am back in social highschool hell. My son is in a small school with these other children. They are going into grade 1 so it's all at the begining. I need to try *really* hard *not* to *piss* people off. I do it so naturally that it really is a landmine of social faux pas for me. My natural inclination is to be sarcastic, and lemme tell you, thats frowned upon by the other stepford wives. It's truly a real expenditure of energy to temper myself.
Honestly though, I live in fear that I will piss off other moms and then they won't let their children play with my sweet boy. He is a really sweet boy and he doesn't deserve to have a social assasin as a mom. For his sake, I need to try really hard to be good.
Anyway...I think i succeeded for another day. Phew.

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